Learn of the Dao of Alchemy! ISSTH chapter 259!

First thing is, don't worry, the Chronicles of Baby Deathblade will continue! However, there are a few things to say in the meantime. First is, ISSTH outtakes are here again. See them after the jump. Second is, Patriarch Phoenix is now Matriarch Phoenix.... Third: If you've been paying attention, you've noticed that MeeBoo has been doing a lot of the memes lately. For the time being, he's going to take over 100% of the memes, which will let me focus a bit more on translating. Thanks MeeBoo!

Chapter 259: I Want To Watch You Fade Into the Distance Translator: Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers - Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob - Memes: MeeBoo Sponsor: Hein Haugeberg

Thanks to Elder Brother Hein Haugeberg for bringing the third sponsored chapter of the week! . . . . .

How could he possibly have imagined that the Violet Fate Sect would send him out with old man Zhou? > How could he possibly have imagined that the Violet Fate Sect would send him out with old maned Zhou?

the Black Sieve Sect wouldn’t want a violent conflict to erupt the moment their guests entered the Sect > the Black Sieve Sect wouldn’t want a violet conflict to erupt the moment their guests entered the Sect

A pill cauldron flew out along with some Earthly fire crystals and a host of medicinal plants, which Meng Hao began to work with. > A pill cauldron flew out along with some Earthly fire crystals and a hose of medicinal plants, which Meng Hao began to work with.

How could I possibly lay claim to treasured items of your honored Sect…?” > How could I possibly lay clam to treasured items of your honored Sect…?”

Catching sight of Xu Qing sitting there cross-legged, she dropped to her knees and kowtowed. > Caching sight of Xu Qing sitting there cross-legged, she dropped to her knees and kowtowed.
