WDQK Chapter 125~

Chapter 125~ Enjoy :)

It's a little late but here's a short intro of ourselves ^.^

We're a two-man translating, editing and TLCing team (with random and occasional help from others)

who decided to pick up our beloved Wu Dong Qian Kun a few months back in June or July~

We both hail from the sunny island of Singapore (though my partner is currently having the time of his life in USA) and are coincidentally both Chinese *insert your shocked expressions here*

I've personally always loved reading fantasy genre stories and it's a joy for me to share WDQK with so many people :) (<3 you dear readers)

to end this off, feel free to leave a comment on any of our pages or posts to help us improve on the quality of our translations or maybe leave a wonderful 'thankyou' that always brighten ups our days or just anything you want to say in general (the internet is one of the 'freest' places afterall~)

