SOTR short story competition to celebrate 200 chapters!
Chapter 200 (and its associated mass release!) is quickly approaching! I've been wracking my brains for what to do for it, since I wanted to do something that interacts with you guys a lil more than just mass releasing. Thanks to reader Elegie's suggestion, I'd like to announce a short story competition to commemorate this happy occasion!
Short story competition topic: Anything related to how the first Jiang Chen died (detailed in chapter one)
- Length: 500 words - 1,500 words (essentially minimum around one page to maximum three pages) - Anything to do with this defining event, ie. motivation for putting the Three Laugh Powder into first Jiang Chen's food (remember connection with Long family), actual circumstances of slipping it in, that precise moment when Jiang Chen let 'em rip, internal thoughts of any of the characters involved (first Jiang Chen was a useless fop), or anything remotely related that you can think of - Entries to be judged on: 1) innovation of writing in terms of presentation of chosen topic and 2) quality of writing in terms of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Bonus points for flowery language. :D - Contest to run from today, July 21 to end of day July 31st (GMT +8 timezone)
Moving on to prizes!
Winners to be judged by me with input from any of my editors who also read SOTR. Winning submissions will be posted publicly (unless writer really doesn't want to).
For first place: A double release everyday until we reach the end of a particular arc. Winner gets to cash in their prize when they see an arc they want to know the result of sooner.
For second place: A triple release on a day of your choosing. Please give me 24 hours preparation time. :D
For third place: A sponsored release attributed to you and mad <3.
The above three winners: A tiny surprise in the mail from etvo (thus, your address will be solicited if you win). :)
Please send all submissions to volaretranslations @ gmail, and put "SOTR short story competition" in the subject line! I will confirm receipt with a personal response, so please let me know if you don't receive a response from me!
Alrighty? How does this all sound? Please let me know in the comments!
<3 etvo