♔ SOTR Chapters 302 ♔

*fluffs around*

Edited by: No one! This chapter is unedited *smiles sheepishly*

In the future, if you find any errors in already edited chapters, please PM Deyna on Discord. The poor soul is my designated go to for post release errors. :D :D :D

And to clear up maybe some speculations on why SOTR's author is so wordy sometimes. Welp, authors are paid based off word count for most online novels like these. So once a novel explodes in popularity, you'll find that things get really repetitive since that = more money. I personally have a theory that this is also why you find a lot of novels with kick butt plots before ch 100 or so, and once that paywall hits, all slowly goes along the path of wordiness.

<3 etvo
