♔ SOTR Chapter 236 ♔

Whoooo weekend!

Edited by: Crimsonguard

This chapter is brought to us by Matthias S. of Germany! I'd also like to thank Matthias and Drew from the last sponsored chapter for being so generous as to clear one chapter by themselves. A round of applause for these fabulous folks please guys, you have my utmost appreciation!

Major shout out to my friend LittleShanks, welcome to WW! I've seen the start of his journey and am truly excited that he's here on WW as well. Please check out his novel, and best wishes for everything going on in his life right now.

I think I may need to write this particular announcement in all my announcement posts for a while, since I properly expressed myself back in August when I mentioned I was going back to work full time. :) The truth is, SOTR is on a 3x a week schedule. I've published chapters regardless of whether or not the queue was full since day one of being on WW, because I was so excited about being here and I love the story. Recent absurd negativity in comments and working full time means I'm not adhering to that anymore, and so I'm spreading the regular chapters out over the week. It doesn't make sense to publish M, T, W and then nothing until the next week. Alrighty now?

<3 etvo
