♔ SOTR Chapter 208 ♔

This chapter is unedited!

The edited version will be posted in 24 hours! Summer is the bane of my team's existence at this point. XD

Premonition has finished editing chapter 207 and it's been reposted. No changes in content, rewording changes for coherentness since I wasn't really at that point, and people weren't "death", they were "deaf". *grins sheepishly*

This chapter reminded me of why I fell in love with SOTR, how'd you find it? :D And alrighty, I was too bloodthirsty with regards to Dan Fei earlier. I stand corrected. XD

Submissions for the contest closed 24 hours ago and we are busily sorting through and judging them! We received 25 wonderful submissions in total, thank you all for participating!

And another call beating the horse to death, Patrons, I'm going to the post office in a few days. No address = no surprise for being my first patrons!

<3 etvo
