♔ SOTR Chapter 196 ♔


Edited by: Lem0ooooonPEEL (before I gave her chapter away cause honestly, how was I supposed to interpret HERE >\\\< as her wanting to come back and finish the edit? Celestial Fluff, I am, mindreader, am not! XD ) and Jafz (super speedy 11th hour knight!)

This chapter is brought to us courtesy of my wonderful July Patrons, and Astri S. of Jakarta, Pompidou S. of Germany, and Neko of France! A hearty round of applause and thanks for these fine folk please! And remember, those Patrons at the $5 tier and above at the end of July will be receiving a tiny surprise from me in a few weeks! :D But. I. need. your. mailing. address. Gib. me. mailing address. or. etvo. will. will. will. (let me think on that)

In addition, I'm making a small TL change that I forgot to denote in the last chapter. The lowest rank of any martial method, pill, or spirit medicine was "common rank" before -- I decided to change it to "mortal rank" to be more in line with the rest of the theme of the novel, given that subsequent ranks are spirit, saint, etc. I hope that's not confusing!

<3 etvo
