♔ SOTR Chapter 184 ♔
First regular chapter of the week!
Edited by: Lem0nPEEL
In lieu of the usual witty banter today (I like to think I'm funny anyhow. XP), I bring to you guys neeeews. Remember the various random times in which I'd go on interviews? Thank you all for the well wishes by the way, your support was wonderful. I've finally accepted a job offer that I like! Hilariously enough, it's bringing me straight back to the States -- I'm going back to my beloved East Coast! Funny how life works out eh?
This move will be happening in mid August and I'll be working full time then. What this means schedule wise is that I may not be able to keep up the 7x a week schedule, with the occasional double release, simply because real life is more pressing. I'll certainly try, and it helps that SOTR's author has consistent chapter length so I know what to expect. But I'm grievously behind on a computer game that I have to translate for a paying client so... euro! Just for the record, SOTR is officially on a 3x a week schedule, but I kinda got into the habit of 7x a week for a while. :D
And, FYI. Ren solemnly says that 牛逼 should be translated as cow pussy (yes, if we are going super literal character translation, sure). Direct quote, "That's a freaking cow pussy idea!"
Alright. If you say so man. XD