♔ SOTR Chapter 176 ♔
I have a super scientific way of counting female readers...
Edited by: Jafz
This chapter is brought to use courtesy of Siti K. of Indonesia (you got some love in the comments last chapter!), David P. of MO, USA, and Mathias J. of Denmark! Thank you all fine folk kindly, this chapter wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!
Alright, enough trolling from me with non standard teasers. :D I'm back! And my super scientific way of counting female readers is... actually being able to read all your personal information from your comment. Anything from height, weight, gender, location, down to first love, favorite food, and most hated teacher. Totally accurate. Super scientific. Backed up by my awesomesauce. Pikachu. intuition.
<3 etvo