♔ SOTR Chapter 125!

Holler for the weekend!

Edited by: Lem0nPEEL

This chapter is brought to us courtesy of Sabines A. of Australia, Nguyen T. of France, Skalozub A. of Russia, Tuong V. of Norway, Vincent P. of France, and Ryan S. of serving his country! Please give a hearty hand to such a wondrous international coalition. Thank you all very much for your support. :)

In other shopping news... I'm hoping to get an ergonomic chair and a standing desk this weekend. I've been translating on an old couch for the past three months, and sitting on the floor. I think my body is *not* a fan as I'm waking up with back and spine pain now. @_@ Take care of your body everyone! My spine is so stiff I can barely bear to bend. ><

<3 etvo
