♔ SOTR Chapter 115!

Aw whoops, so sorry I failed to properly link the teaser yesterday! Yell at me on Discord next time guys!

Chapter edited by: Kidyeon

And a few words from the man himself: Here's the banter! Oh my goodness, the banter I've missed! Ah, the banter! It's so refreshing! Oh, and did all of you know that the book series "A Series of Unfortunate Events" is getting a netflix series? I'm so hyped!

Whereas I personally think a few of the people in the room deserve a good kick to the rear. Good thing it's all going to come crashing down around their ears. :D Elder Blue reminds me of a really annoying boss I once had... *shudders* Any of these elders remind you guys of anyone in your lives?

I am attempting to translate more! Two chapters completed today, here's to another two more! (That's across all my series.. I'm trying to build stockpiles again).

<3 etvo
