♔ SOTR Chapter 101!

So I've had a day to think something much cooler than the lame bit I did for chapter 99...

(Edited by: Studmonster and Premonition by the way! :D ) It's "tomorrow" for those of you in the western part of the world!

and here it goes, are you ready for this? (mobile users, graphic coming up!) 


Well hey. I tried. XD That kind of creativity isn't quite in me. And I like her so much.

In all seriousness, it's crazy to think that this is chapter 101. Like Kidyeon said, this is almost five months to the day that the first SOTR chapter came out. I was bumming around online, saw something called Wuxiaworld and oh. my. heavens. I saw Mt. Tai and I was enlightened suddenly to the divine, celestial realm of great perfection. I then promptly reflected seriously on where I'd been all my life. I love reading and I love wuxia/fantasy. WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THE ONLINE TRANSLATING COMMUNITY BEFORE?! If you hear that, that is the sound of me still facethunking, five months later.

After one heckuva enthusiastic email to Ren, in which he was probably quite bemused at this random character popping out from nowhere going, "Do you need help? Do you need translators? This is awesome!" (cue another facepalm), I calmed down for five seconds and tried to figure out how the community worked.

Believe it or not, SOTR wasn't actually the first novel that I proposed to Kidyeon! Can you guys believe that? I think I was actually proposing GDK first. :D However, when I read the first chapter and saw that the main character was beaten to death for farting... I knew it was a winner, and I've never regretted choosing SOTR since. It's been such a ride, but the story has been so wonderful that I've enjoyed every moment of it. We've come a long way from releasing two chapters a week (I think y'all would hate my guts so much right now if we were still doing that XD), and we've in fact published ~50 chapters in the 1.5 months we've been on WW. Plenty more to come!

So to celebrate 100 chapters, we're doing a SOTR chapter bonanza! Iiiiiiit's mass release time! Where does it stop and how many are coming? ...I don't know. XD And truly, what better time to do a mass release than the end of the Eastern Kingdom arc? ...at least, I hope we get to the end after this mass release. I don't read ahead so I honestly don't know when it ends either.

Unfortunately, I have to space the releases out. But that adds to the fun? Now, onwards ho to Reddit domination! :D
