FRESH Skyfire Avenue Release - Chapter 9
"In regards to the theft of the Cipher Box, we’ve completed our preliminary investigation.'
Hello Wuxia World!
I am happy to announce my first official debut chapter for your reading pleasure - Chapter 9: The Four Divine Monarchs. An exciting title, for what's shaping up to be a very interesting piece of work. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I am as we explore this universe of genetically superior beings, mecha pilots and shady interplanetary businesses.
Hungry to read on? Skyfire Avenue Chapter 9: The Four Divine Monarchs awaits. If you'd like to know more about me (my favorite subject, certainly) I shant disappoint.
I was born in Miami, Florida, the land of crocodiles and swamp people. I'm fairly certain I'm one of the latter. From a young age Chinese culture was an influence on my life, born from terribly dubbed kung fu movies - an origin story I'm sure I share with many of you. I was enamored by tales of slain brothers and ancient masters, adhering to Confucian values that were entirely foreign to me.
The inevitable march of time saw me grow, but my love for Chinese culture never waned. I delved in to Eastern philosophy with gusto, which lead me to try my hand at Kung Fu, Tai Qi and Qi Gong.
Now I'm an overweight dude with creaky joints. But since this is the internet I'll tell you I'm a seventh level master of the Quivering Palm. That sounds better.
My exposure to Chinese thought and culture introduced me to Chinese medicine. Immediately I fell in love with the core concept; treating the body as whole, employing the Dao philosophy of inspiring the body to engage in it's own healing, manipulating the flows of energy in the body... It was almost like those kung fu movies and video games, but with actual real-world application. Naturally the only place to really learn the art was it's country of origin, so off I went to China.
I've lived here for ten years, married an incredible Chinese woman and have since graduated from medical school with a degree in Acupuncture and TuiNa massage. All of my classes were entirely in Chinese, which forced me to develop a foundation in a language I have no natural affinity for. My name, Xiao Lai, is a condensed version of my real Chinese name. Roughly translated, it means Little Reliable, or Little Bastard (largely depending on who you ask - which elicits no end of cackling laughter when I'm introduced as Doctor Lai.).
But while my Chinese certainly isn't anything to rave over, it is enough - with the help of my lovely wife - to provide you lovely people with stuff to read, hopefully inspiring in you a similar love of China and it's culture that I have. Unfortunately life and work limit my capability to bring you chapters at the rate Master Ren does, currently (blessed be his name), but hopefully with practice and help from all of you I'll improve.
Here's looking forward to our journey through the wonders of Chinese literature together!
Xiao Lai