FRESH Skyfire Avenue Release - Chapter 23
“Minister, I am extremely disappointed in the security of your Alliance. This disgrace is not something we will suffer lightly, there will be consequences!"
Hey Wuxia,
Few things today. First I'd like to apologize for the late release. I didn't get home till after midnight last night and I'm posting this in the five minutes before I have to rush to work. My bad for poor time management! Secondly, I'm sorry for the short chapter today, though it's out of my control. However, if the gods are good I might have a solution for that tonight.
Last but certainly not leas I would like to give a HUGE e-hug to (in no particular order); Dmitry Kogosov, Christian Dela Cruz, Łukasz Mazurkiewicz, Yu-Chiang Hsu, and Osman Karabiber for their donations! You guys make my feels tingle. And in a show of appreciation, I will post a fanfic of my own later today I've been working on called Skyfire Stories about the life and times of normal folk in this crazy future age. It's no Skyfire Avenue, but it'll be something to tide you over until Monday, and supplement this week's low word count. Go ahead and read Chapter 23: The Mercenary King to get started!
Love you all, see ya soon!
Xiao Lai