Hello Readers of Regressor Instruction Manual!

Hello everyone! My name is Hikari and I’m the Korean translator that’s in charge of translating Regressor Instruction Manual. 

A bit of information about me: I started off by translating K-Pop news articles and then got into translating web novels and webtoons a few years ago, which helped my Korean a lot. I was kind of “forced” to learn Korean because my parents weren’t fluent in English, but I believe that’s one of the major reasons why I’m fluent, so I’m always thankful about that. Joining Wuxiaworld as a Korean translator was one of the best news I received this year and working with everyone here has been an amazing experience! As a Korean translator, I’m looking forward to all the novels that will be released here and the novels I’ll be working on in the future. :)

I would like to thank Yojj, my manager, and Veela, my editor, for helping me with this novel. Their hard work has improved the quality of my translation and I consider myself lucky for being able to work with such talented people! I would also like to thank Cosy and Grace for their help and making my experience at Wuxiaworld a pleasant one.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my intro and the Regressor Instruction Manual. I hope you enjoy reading this novel and I’m looking forward to reading your comments and reviews!

Thank you and stay safe~ ^^

