Thank You From NaughtyOtter

Hey guys.

I just want to thank the readers and sponsors for the support.  Thank you for the funny comments.  It brought levity to my life.  It meant everything to me.  I would also like to thank my editor Econ.  

Now that's out of the way, I would like to discuss what's going on in terms of my plans going forward.  This is my first time translating everyday, and I am glad to say I was able to post every day.  I hope to bring consistency and quality in Korean novel translation.  I'm still limited in what I can translate, but I hope WW's success in Korean novel translation will open more avenues going forward.  I will be taking a small break, but I am planning to start translating a new novel early March.  I'm hoping to have a sneak peek of my new novel out next month.  Also, I'm not sure when but SSN ebook will be out in the near future too.  As always, I'm always available through discord if you need to get ahold of me.

Again, thank you for all the support.  
