MGA Release ~ Chapters 504, 505, 506

Read chapters here

This is going to be slightly lengthy, so:

First of all, sorry 'bout the lack of chapters. There really should be 8 more chapters in addition to the 3 released right now, but I have yet to finish them this weekend. I'll get to work on them quickly though, so they'll be out soon hopefully.

Secondly, the more important part of this post. For a few reasons including freeing up time and a more flexible schedule, I have removed the option to donate, so if anyone was wondering why the link is gone, that is why. Of course, that in turn means I won't be doing any more sponsored chapters and as of now, I do not have any plans to bring the extra chapter system back.

Regarding the number of chapters per week, it should generally be the same, but one of the reasons why I came to the decision of taking away the donation system is so the number of chapters per week can change according to RL. Currently, 14/week is what I have always done, but now, it will most likely range from 10-14 per week.

Anyway, that's that. If you have any questions, throw a comment below.

Enjoy~ And chuck your money at the other translators instead! Make 'em work!
