The sages said, read ISSTH chapter 152!!

Based on the intense events of the last chapter, what do you think Meng Hao's opening line will be? A) You have some blood on your clothes. B) First time? C) So, I found this Cosmetic Cultivation Pill... D) They deserved to die. E) Other

Chapter 152: Words Under the Moon With An Old Companion Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob

I want to recommend one of my favorite novel series of all time, after the jump.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading the Barsoom Series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. By the way, the first several books are available to read free online! The first book in the series was written over 100 years ago!! That's right, this is pulp sci-fi/fantasy at its best. There was a recent movie adaptation by Disney that was horrible. If you saw "John Carter of Mars" please, please don't judge these books based on that train wreck of a movie!

This series has adventure, romance, swords, villains.... it's just fun fiction that has stood the test of time. The first book is about a guy named John Carter who somehow gets transported to Mars, where he gains incredible strength and then gets embroiled with the wars and schemes of the various nations, clans, species, etc. that inhabit the red planet (which the locals call Barsoom).

Here are the free books that you can either read online or download:

A Princess of Mars The Gods of Mars Warlord of Mars Thuvia, Maid of Mars The Chessmen of Mars

Below is some classic Barsoom art to give you an idea what it's like...

barsoom barsoom

barsoom barsoom

barsoom barsoom

