The sages said, read ISSTH chapter 105!!!

Good morning Fellow Daoists. Or good evening, depending on your time zone. I'm in a rush because of work, so no time for any intro. Without further ado, please enjoy:

Chapter 105: Poison Blossoms in the Right Eye Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade Proofreaders: Lingson, laoren and MeeBoo Sponsors: Metazone, Ralf Hack, Deep Bhattacharya, Chris Sherman, Bernardo Jr. Nemil and Xue Yuyanyuan

Please join me in clasping hands in a respectful bow to Fellow Daoists Metazone, Ralf Hack, Deep Bhattacharya, Chris Sherman, Bernardo Jr. Nemil and Xue Yuyanyuan, whose generous donation of Spirit Stones made possible the 3rd sponsored chapter of the week!
