The sages said, read ISSTH Book 1, Chapter 66-67!
"Okay," said the wizened Cultivator. "It's time to brainstorm some ideas for cool magical items." A young Cultivator raised his hand and said, "I was thinking about a translucent jade guillotine that shoots out golden piranhas with poisoned fangs!?" The wizened Cultivator frowned. "Doesn't sound right. Next?" A very old Cultivator raised his hand. "I have an idea! What about a flying leaf?!" "AMAZING!" shouted the wizened Cultivator. "Let's get to work!"
Chapter 66: A Great Kindness!! Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editor: Madam Deathblade Proofreaders: Lingson, laoren and MeeBoo
Chapter 67: Chapter title withheld because of spoilers! Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editor: Madam Deathblade Proofreaders: Lingson, laoren and MeeBoo Sponsor: Jack Bullock
Please join me in clasping hands in a respectful bow to Fellow Daoist Jack Bullock whose generous donation of Spirit Stones made possible the 3rd sponsored chapter of the week!