Gain enlightenment! Read ISSTH Chapter 213!

How quickly it has arrived again. I Shall Seal the Heavens outtakes are below.... In this episode, Jesus is referenced (by proxy) and Wu Dingqiu is mistaken for a chicken!

Chapter 213: Violet Fate Celestial Land Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob Sponsor: Blake Zbikowski

Many thanks to Fellow Daoist Blake Zbikowski for bringing the third sponsored chapter of the week! Outtakes here....

If they did, the State of Eastern Emergence would be filled with people dreaming of joining > If they did, the State of Easter Emergence would be filled with people dreaming of joining

Suddenly, contented laughter rang out, and a ruddy-faced old man appeared and strode toward them. > Suddenly, contended laughter rang out, and a ruddy-faced old man appeared and strode toward them.

Elder Wu returned to the Sect in a foul rage, > Elder Wu returned to the Sect in a fowl rage,

Few were as shocked and moved as Meng Hao. > Few were as socked and moved as Meng Hao.

As the figures within the moon engaged in their discussion > As the figures within the mood engaged in their discussion
