Fellow Daoists, please enjoy ISSTH Book 3, Chapter 216!
China is known for many famous inventions such as the compass, gunpowder and paper. However, one of its greatest inventions is not generally known to the western world. It is none other than the Pissing Beef Ball. It's a meatball which has a hollow center filled with broth and... ANOTHER meatball. When you bite it, the broth squirts out (which I assume is why they are called 'pissing beef balls.') I wish I could shake the hand of whichever genius invented this delicious food!
Chapter 216:The Meaning of Grandmaster Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob
This is the fifth guaranteed chapter of the week!