Fellow Daoists, please enjoy ISSTH Book 2, Chapter 185!!
Deathblade sat in front of the computer, feverishly attempting to come up with something funny to say. In the background, Madam Deathblade muttered impatiently. Deathblade glanced back. Seeing the cold glow in her eyes caused his hands to trembled, and he felt his heart shaking. As an unprecedented feeling of life-or-death danger swept over him, he moved the mouse cursor toward the "publish" button.....
Chapter 185: Gathering at the Song Clan Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob
This is the third guaranteed chapter of the week!
Note about the technique Meng Hao used in that last fight....
I noticed a few people refer to it as the 19 Clear Skies Strikes. Don't forget I actually changed it to the 19 Black Cloud Strikes.....