HJC Vol 3 Chapter 21 Part 4 Release
*Phew* This chapter was longer than expected! It also demarcates the end of Book 3! Hooray!
Thanks to Zach Blease from Canada, Jake Thygesen and Karman Dhaliwal from the US for sponsoring this chapter!
I should be releasing the next chapter (a normal weekly release) later in the evening!
Edit: Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!
In other news, I managed to keep to my word (though it was tough) and went to the gym again yesterday! #TheAcheIsReal!
Also, thanks a lot to the other sponsors! I've updated the bar but will likely not be doing another sponsored chapter for today! (Will do so tomorrow though).
The main reason for that is because we (The Ultimate Slave Union =p) have been doing something sneaky this week…
“We” includes… myself, Thyaeria, OMA, Taffy and Wei. They’re all translators if you’ve noticed xD Keep a lookout! <3