RT's EYEM/RR Event Results

Hello everyone, 

Voting has closed and the results have been tallied. Thank you for everyone who participated and congratulations to those who won! Winners, please email me with your preferred payment method such as paypal, ko-fi donations etc. 

Email: redandblackturtle@gmail.com

All fanart and fanfiction will be added to a page that will be linked at the bottom of each chapter. 

Fanfiction Winners

1st place ($100 USD) = endoudkazuto with the EYEM fanfiction A Legend is Born


2nd place ($75 USD) = B.A.D with the OG and EYEM shared universe story Legendary sort of


3rd place ($50 USD) = NotLD with the EYEM story The Bird Without Legs, Finding Haven Edition

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wxhJX6VH5vRUcBsE9Z-motp5mpqL_eWkqdZBaPR-UKk/edit?usp=sharing

Fanart Winners

1st place ($200 USD) = Hyeonu by Istellia 

2nd place ($175 USD) = Grandpa and Sun by Ivans J Draw

3rd place ($150 USD) = Alley Leader by Envy

Translator's Choice ($150 USD) = RR by Meiryul
