New CD Chapter Release! Book 18, Chapter 7
Hey guys, here's your chapter for today! Book 18, Chapter 7 - Parting Words has been released! As with all chapters until I leave to Vietnam, this one is a daily regular chapter that does NOT count against the queue!
I've gotten a hint of news; it seems my travel orders are waiting for a final signature. I won't be able to leave this weekend like I hoped, but it seems as though we should be a lock for next week! Again, will keep you in the loop for when that happens. Thanks for your patience, all!
Lastly - How many of you are still getting redirects/popups on mobile, even after clearing your browser cache? I'm hearing from most people that the issue was resolved after I completely cleaned house on the mobile ad networks, but some people mentioned on twitter that they still had it. If you have any problems, can you let me know here, or at rwxwuxiaworld(a) with screenshots? Thanks so much!