New CD Chapter Release! Book 18, Chapter 1

Hey guys, here's your chapter of CD for today; Book 18, Chapter 1 - What Type of Weapon?  Enjoy the read!

As my updated travel orders did not in fact come through in time yesterday (sigh), I'll be stuck in DC for at least the next week, and frantically rearranging my life for the meantime, since all my stuff has already been shipped out via cargo crates >.<.

Until things get back to normal, as noted, I'll be doing ONE regular chapter (not against the queue) every single day (ie 7 regular chapters a week) and no bonus chapters until I'm in Vietnam and settled in.  The estimated ETA for a 'return to normal schedule' is August 9, assuming a week before my orders are updated and a week before I am settled in, but it could be sooner or later than that; I promise to keep you all in the loop.
