New CD Chapter Release! Book 11, Chapter 39

Hey guys, sorry for the delay; here's your second sponsored chapter of the day! Book 11, Chapter 39 - The Predictions of Beirut. With this chapter, we wrap up Book 11! Hurrah! Please consider joining me in offering thanks to the generous donors who helped us close out this book; WB of Texas and landzsa. Thank you so much, guys!

Readers, the title of Book 12 is now up. Book 12: The Descent of the Gods has begun! I will TRY to get the third sponsored chapter out today, but I'm running really late due to the computer problems, so I might not be 100% on it. I haven't even eaten dinner yet, and it's past 8:40 my time, but I'll try!

Now, while I and grab some food then head back to translating, please let me remind our newer friends that we are an ad-supported website, and the server fees are supported by our ads, which don’t show up if the ads are blocked, so please consider supporting us by making sure your Adblocking software is off. Thanks! :)
