alyschu is holding ATG Chapter 507 hostage! Save Number 507 Under Heaven!
Before you guys run to get your night vision goggles and hunt me down, let me explain!
Today is OverTheRanbow's birthday and I felt that my birthday present to him was lacking so I decided to get some backup help via blackmail. I will now activate the [Save Chapter 507 in time for OverTheRanbow's birthday!] event.
Rules: 1) Make a happy birthday card for OverTheRanbow. Size doesn't matter but it must include today's date (any variation of 06/30/2016), your name (Wuxiaworld username works best if you don't know what to put), a picture depicting how you feel (Hand drawn works best, happiness works best, no excessive gore! This is in celebration of his birthday!), and the words Happy Birthday & OverTheRanbow. 2) Get inspiration from your bones! Creativity from your liver! Those who put great thought or artistic abilities into it will be counted as 5 birthday cards. This will be decided by alyschu. 3) Each person is limited to submitting one birthday card. 4) alyschu's birthday card is a 5. 5) Enjoy!!!!
How to submit a birthday card: Post it in the comments! Take a picture of it if you did it on paper! Things in Rule #1 must be visible!
Unlockable tiers: 0 birthday cards: Lets you see alyschu's masterpiece of a birthday card. 15 birthday cards: Chapter 507 is saved! 50 birthday cards: Chapter 508 will come out today if we reach 50 birthday cards today. 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 birthday cards: For those who have not done so already, you will meet the love of your life tomorrow if this is met! The stars have spoken!
alyschu's inspirational, thought-provoking masterpiece made in Paint:
Birthday Card Counter (manually updated by alyschu with comments): +5 (alyschu: best paint ever) +.5 (Solarcrest: -1 for spelling Ran's pen name wrong, -1 for wrong year) +.5 (Mkil: -.5 for forgetting username!) +.1 (Schosinsky: -.9 did not follow rule #1) +.9 (wikui: -.1 for mentioning the hostages on a birthday card! how dare you!) +3 (Catulu: +1 nice colors, +1 funny) +.5 (Mr Pistachio: -.5 OverTheRainbow) +.1 (failart: -.9 did not follow rule #1) +.1 (Soldier419: -.9 did not follow rule #1) +.5 (scowly: -.5 wrong birthdate) +.1 (IamRad: -.9 did not follow rule #1) +1 (egleh: excellent display of happiness) +1 (flowerbridgetoo: I will allow the parenthesis) +5 (motrrv: amazing) +3 (Teilzeitgott: lol) +1 (Anon19942: simple is best!) +1 (ambu123: nice candles!) +.5 (Dinosquash1: -.5 did not follow all of rule #1) +1 (RPGX: lovely) +1 (BastBB: ok) +.3 (DarkMoonWolf: -.9 did not follow rules, +.2 for being amusing) +1 (Zeltharion: I am seeing a common theme here...) +2 (thearhive: nice hair) +3 (xiaxinia: excellent use of balloons in their natural habitat) +1 (mickoblunt: very straight forward) +1 (KoldloK: +1 for complexity, -1 for not including his name) +2 (Tcheik: +1 taking a picture of the closest can of soda near you for a birthday card is almost the epitome of creativity) +1 (notyourlifesite: will allow this to get a full score of 1 because you linked the website, which still followed rule #1) +1 (Grempington: ok) +2 (KamIzumo: +1 creative use of his name) +1 (dexab: I like pictures better, but messages are fine too) +.5 (halosty: -.5 put rainbow, but you may possible be the next Picasso!) +3 (Babuskah: -1 for lack of color. very deep message) +2 (Zuwey: -2 took some of my ideas!) +2 (Bardioc: strong rainbow) +.7 (InfernalJayed: -.5 wrong name, +.2 great colors) +1 (Tsunderis: too deep for me to understand) +.9 (MRwayo: -.1 mentioning hostage! tsktsk! nice hands) +.5 (Varler -.5 wrong spelling) +3 (Tchilam: profound) +2 (YouShallNotEat: +1 for drawing on a big piece of paper) +2 (Drake690: +1 for hair) +4 (Aspyranah: amazing) +1 (no7ex: fab trees!) +1 (rayman1212: deep) +.5 (Shyboy: -.5 penalty from rule #1) +3 (joni21800: creative!) +1.9 (scifikindaguy: +1 for watching comment, -.1 forgot to include yourself) +1.5 (ofir271: -.5 wrong name, +1 amazing... whatever that is) +1.9 (Dragonkinn02: +1 picture, -.1 forgot to include yourself) +1.1 (scrubbykoala: +.1 for nose) +1.5 (Horos: +1 cute, -.5 wrong name) +1.5 (Neydomus: smooth and elegant) +3 (Darlaran: +2 lol) +1 (ps2pedro: deep) +1.5 (Triton532: +.5 lewd) +.5 (Duniak: -.5 you forgot to include his name!!) +.6 (Devlin Lewis: +.1 for acknowledging mistake) +1.5 (voltron9614: -.5 wrong name!) +1 ((-_-);: ok) +2 (Nicenox: +1 work of art) +1.7 (Kaminarion: -.3 wrong spelling once) +1 (trisse23: forget about the guy up there who I said might be Picasso, YOU ARE Picasso!!) +.5 (Dragooma: -.5 wrong name) +.5 (RX 480_Sempai: -.5 you forgot to include his name!!) +2 (MadGorilla: beautiful) +2 (dabenor: +1 for scaring me) +4 (Knightlaw: nice touch ups) +1.1 (CrowGKS: +.1 for sonic) +2 (Julianos: +1 for making me laugh) +1 (Legion987: exception allowed) +1.5 (pwnobi: deep) +1.5 (Lord Gavon: very profound) +1 (MOTERANI: ok) +2 (Aine: hand drawn + nice trees!!) +1.5 (0177111: +1 original, -.5 wrong name) +1 (Project1812: smiley faces are the best) +1.4 (atomico79: -.1 forgot to include yourself, -.5 wrong name) +1.5 (TukanKurt: +1 too deep for me, -.5 wrong name) +1.5 (TMKNStorm: +1 cute, -.5 wrong name) +3 (hannes19911991: lol) +2 (unknownstrategie: +1 lol) +1 (cryocyberslayer: :)) +1.5 (duderus: +1 sword, -.5 no name) +1.5 (ShiXie: +1 handdrawn, -.5 bad lighting) +3 (viperz60: excellent use of colors) +1 (witdy002: +.5 pikachu, -.5 wrong name) +2.5 (Unpale: nice sense) +.6 (StarShadow: -.5 wrong name) +.4 (absolutereign: -.9 did not follow rule #1, +.3 for effort) +.5 (Kai_B: -.5 wrong name) +1 (Forever Young: ok) +1 (jothgh8: ok) +1 (sarrymast: good) +2 (ByBilly: you have the potential to be the next rubix cube god) +1 (Heychsea: ok) +.5 (Vasil94: -.5 wrong name) +1.3 (iLikeRaisu: cute) +.6 (proxywarrior: -.5 wrong name) +.5 (Wanolph: -.5 wrong name) +1.5 (DMR: +1 appealing, -.5 wrong name) +1 (Zatarot: OTR accepted) +1.5 (leetdood: +1 hand drawn, -.5 wrong name) +.5 (slp: -.5 no name) +1.1 (stn14001: :)) +1.1 (larson: -.9 mentioned hostage) +1.5 (HGKeeper) +1.1 (TehScrubLord: -.4 hinted hostage) +2 (AmamiRiku: unicorn!!) +4.2 (RusimRedom: -.5 wrong name) +1.9 (KazeshinJaxk: +1 hand drawn, -.1 bad lighting) +1.5 (akassem: +.5 for greatness) +4 (Mister Chintz: inspirational) +4 (tyrannis: work of art) +1 (Chufeng: ok) +5 (trivialthought: dude!!!! A+++++++) rest is neatly complied here.
Total: More than 50 birthday cards. Chapter 508 will be coming out tonight!