Chapter 734: What is the Heavenly Dao? (Teaser)

To think you were able to pass through the Array of the Nine Gods undetected… Qin Ye placed the feather gingerly into his pocket and continued watching the commotion back in the warehouse.

Then, he continued to preside over the negotiations as though nothing had happened.

The following sets of artifacts, including seals and other forms of calligraphy, were all sold at sky-high prices. After approximately one hour, Qin Ye stood up and took his leave.

At once, the Yin soldiers standing guard around Qin Ye immediately got down on one knee and shouted in unison, “Farewell, Your Excellency!”

When he next appeared, Qin Ye was already located back in his office. The first thing he did was to send out a messenger bird. Dozens of seconds later, a gust of Yin energy converged within his office, and Zhao Yun and Wang One Tail stepped out of the swirling vortex of Yin energy. Meanwhile, the doors and windows of his office immediately slammed shut.

As soon as they appeared, Qin Ye tossed out a feather and sent it straight into Zhao Yun’s hand, “Do you recognize this thing?” Zhao Yun glanced at it once, and then immediately furrowed his brows.

“Heavenly Dao?” He brushed his fingers gently against the feathers, only to see the feather emit arcs of lightning. Wang Chenghao’s jaws dropped slightly, “Pikachu?”

Qin Ye glared daggers at him - What the hell are you talking about? Haven’t you seen my dear Brother Zhao? How could a Pikachu possibly be so...

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