Chapter 192 - Selecting the Spiritual Art (Teaser)

Chapter 192 - Selecting the Spiritual Art

Within the magnificent and glamorous river of light, Mu Chen’s body rushed out like lightning. Countless beams of light rushed through the sky and every single one of these beams possessed a scroll that was glowing in a different color. Spiritual Energy fluctuations would emit from these scrolls.

However, Mu Chen only glanced at these beams and did not take any action. Relying on his past experiences, he knew that the scrolls within these beams of light were mainly Spiritual Tier Middle Rank Spiritual Arts. Although they were decent Spiritual Arts, Mu Chen wasn’t satisfied with them anymore.

As Mu Chen continued to progress further in, a thick and bright beam burst out. The lustre of this beam was clearly brighter than the beams he had seen earlier.

Mu Chen stared at this beam and dark black Spiritual Energy gushed out of his hands. It extended out like billowing smoke and rushed over towards the beam.

When the beam of light had entered the black Spiritual Energy, Mu Chen quickly retracted his Spiritual Energy. However, the beam continued struggling like a caught fish within his Spiritual Energy. His dark...

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