Chapter 2045 (Teaser)

The best outcome that Mumud had hoped for was the mutual destruction of Grid and Asura. 

“I knew that you and Asura would surely clash. I also thought there would be a high probability that both of you would be seriously injured.” 

“I’m embarrassed that I didn’t live up to your expectations.” 

Mumud had thought Grid would fight to the death with Asura but, surprisingly, Grid avoided the fight... Grid laughed as he remembered what Mumud had said to him the moment they met. 

“You planned to kill us back then on the premise that we would be exhausted.” 

“No. I was actually planning to help you kill Asura. I was going to let you live no matter what,” Mumud said firmly. “If I kill you, a player, you will resurrect anyway. Then the Overgeared World will forever be wary and hostile to me.” 

It was true. At the time, Mumud’s ultimate goal had been to defeat Braham. He had planned to accumulate sufficient power after isolating Asgard and the surface. Until then, it was necessary to keep away from the eyes of the Overgeared World. That way, no one would expect a surprise attack on Braham in...

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