Chapter 2042 (Teaser)

On the battlefield on the East Continent where the last Full Moon Fortress was located, the situation had been rough from the very beginning.

Because the area had been deserted for a long time, the cultivators chose it as the construction site for the Full Moon Fortress. Since it was home to a large number of high-level monsters, the players kept delaying destroying it. 

Therefore, it ended up being the last surviving Full Moon Fortress. 

“Get out of the way! It’s dangerous! No, shit...! Get out of the way! Are you deaf?” 

“U-Uh? I-I can’t see on the other side.” 

“Fuck, this is worse than the coronation of Emperor Grid.” 

“People were orderly back then.” 

Today, tens of millions of people gathered in this area. They were constantly coming to see and report on the heroes who succeeded in the ‘Stop the Erosion Ritual’ world quest that would go down in history. 

As a result, raids were still going on nearby. The elite monsters and field bosses that originally inhabited this land became the targets of many high-level players who had to keep them busy so that the rankers could focus on capturing the Full Moon Fortress. 

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