Chapter 794: Lin Qiupu's Test (Teaser)

Lin Qiupu asked, "Who?"

He Jun replied, "The police officer who was with you back then."

"Are you sure it’s the same person?"

When Chen Shi approached, He Jun took a closer look and said, "Haha, I was wrong, but the aura is indeed a bit similar."

The speaker said so unintentionally, but it held meaning for the listener. He Jun had only met Song Lang a few times many years ago. He had mistook Chen Shi for Song Lang for an instant, indicating that there were indeed some similarities between the two people's body language. A few points were added to Lin Qiupu's suspicions.

"Why did you only come now?" Lin Qiupu complained to Chen Shi.

"I'm not a policeman. Should I be on standby 24 hours..." Chen Shi glanced at He Jun with a strange look in his eyes, and continued to speak to Lin Qiupu,...

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