Demon King of the Royal Class

Demon King of the Royal Class

10 Reviews
The Demon King dies and the entire Demon Realm perishes in the prologue of “The Demon King is Dead,” and I have become the Demon Prince of that novel.
… Somebody save me.
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121 Chapters
Licensed From
WriterS / TITAN


Status in Korean: Completed @ 703 chapters 

Editor: Frostdancer

Original work ©WriterS / TITAN

Release rate: 1 chapter daily


10 Reviews
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3 months ago
This is a review based on what I've read on sites that were not Wuxiaworld, but this is a very good novel. I don't think it's written by the same author as Novels Extra, but it has a lot of similarities. It starts off fairly light hearted, but as the story progresses it gradually becomes much darker. Like the Novels Extra, misunderstandings between the Mc and other important characters causes a lot of the conflict in the story, but it's done very well. I do think the story became less enjoyable at about the 2/3 mark, and I kinda just rushed through it to finish it, but it is enjoyable. Reaper Scans is translating the manwha so I'd reccomend reading that to get an idea of the story and then come back to the novel once it's been translated a bit farther. It's a solid 8/10, and I'm sure other will enjoy the last few arcs more than I did, though its gonna take a while to get there.

2 months ago
I picked this story up in sneak peek and enjoyed it so much that I bookmarked it as soon as it launched! The main character is so jaded but he is totally justified because his AI system has an S-Rank in snark and “seems” to hates him. It’s hilarious to read some of the comments it makes to him. This guy was a total slacker in his job and his AI is determined to make him work for his happily ever after. Dude just doesn’t want to die ….. again. This story is fun and entertaining reading. I recommend giving it a try. Happy reading ✌🏾

2 months ago
20 chapters in.

Im enjoying the novel so far. It's a mix between The novels extra in terms of concept and trash of the counts family in terms of story telling.

It has a first person perspective which can often be a hit or miss, but I quite like their usage so far in this novel, the mc certainly has more of a personality compared to Kim Hajin from the novels extra.

There's also a nice amount of plot twists throughout the first 20 chapters, most of the interactions didn't go as I thought they would. Only minor thing is that during the exposition there's quite a bit of filler, though it is self-aware, and it's the author making fun of the filler, its filler nonetheless.

Update: 70 chapters in.

Okay, I have to say, The mc can be infuriatingly slow. It's like he's actually a teenager instead of an adult male in a teenagers body. No spoilers but essentially, whenever there are events he doesn't know the future to, he turns dumb, what happens every time is that his pre-existing knowledge can take him to the finish line, but then he doesn't know how to utilise the reward he gets at the finish line, he just does it and dips.

There are side-characters telling him what to do and what his best path of progression is, but he decides to just ignore it for tons of chapters, before finally giving in and doing exactly that.

Another noticeable issue I have with this novel is that, considering there's only 1 chapter uploaded per day, each chapters contains a lot of filler, seemingly informing you of the events that happened in the last chapter. It never just gets on with it, so the pacing is extremely slow even during fast-paced/intense moments.

Another glaring issue is that the mc is in the body of an archdemon, the most powerful demonic race, yet he's ridiculously weak, he's got base stats equal to or worse than a regular human in some things like strength. He has the power to learn anything because of the system, so he may as well be a normal human, he's the prince of the demon race just for the plot.

The novel overall is still good, but I do get frustrated/tired with it at times, as you as a reader might think oh, why can't he just do this, e.g use his revise ability to fix his damaged subordinates, but nah the novel just doesn't address this possibility.

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