Chapter 88: Conclusion (Teaser)

Chapter 88: Conclusion

Staring at the merciless Xiao Yan, Jia Lie Ao’s face turned white; a frightened expression enveloped his face.

On the street, the observers spontaneously sucked in a breath of cold air as they watched Jia Lie Ao about to be killed. Xiao Yan’s decisive move led to many people changing their opinion of him.

Xiao Yu opened her red and moist mouth as her entire body was utterly frozen on the spot. Xiao Yan’s ruthless and decisive character had totally overturned the gentle image she had of him. She had never expected that the young boy who she usually fought and lost her temper with could practice ruthlessness with such familiarity.

Everyone’s gaze followed the metal rod in Xiao Yan’s hands. When the metal rod was half a meter away from Jia Lie Ao’s head, however, there was a sudden violent sound that was like a clap of thunder. On the street, someone abruptly called: “Brat from the Xiao clan, a challenge’s purpose is to learn from each other....

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