Chapter 86: Challenge (Teaser)

Chapter 86: Challenge

Turning around slowly, Jia Lie Ao slanted his head, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little sinister. “Liu Xi Da-ge, may I play around with him?”

Liu Xi nodded his head and smiled. Without leaving any trace, he straightened his palm in front of him and perversely said: “If you have the chance, don’t hold back.”

Jia Lie Ao smiled and shut his eyes. Liu Xi’s words had abruptly prompted him to recall a secret private conversation he had with Jia Lie Bi. Back then, Jia Lie Bi had just received the news of Xiao Yan having recovered his talents. After a long silence while wearing a gloomy face, Jia Lie Bi used an extremely solemn and cold voice when...

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