Chapter 519: Mixing Medicinal Liquid (Teaser)

Chapter 519: Mixing Medicinal Liquid

Xiao Yan eyed a large wooden basin that was placed in front of him within a spacious and bright mountain cave. The wooden basin was filled with a transparent and clean water that allowed one to see its base. By the side of the wooden basin was a simple wooden shelf. Various kinds of medicinal ingredients were placed on it. At a glance, there was likely over ten different kinds of medicinal ingredients. Xiao Yan had spent a total of nearly three days in order to search for these medicinal ingredients.

“Hand the ‘Core Quenching Body Milk’ to me.” Yao Lao extended his hand toward Xiao Yan and commanded him after he had checked that all the necessary medicinal ingredients had been gathered.

Xiao Yan hurriedly placed the thing into Yao Lao’s hands when he heard this. The latter held that jade bottle which was completely filled with ‘Core Quenching Body Milk.’ He weighed it a little before opening the cap. A faint emerald fog drifted out immediately, before finally gathering around the opening of the bottle. It did not disappear for a long time.

Yao Lao inhaled a deep breath of this fog, only to sense a faint warm...

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