Chapter 413: Fighting Lu Mu (Teaser)

Chapter 413: Fighting Lu Mu

When a middle-aged judge slowly walked onto the open ground, a deafening, ear-shocking cheer immediately erupted from the viewing gallery.

The cheer was suppressed by the judge’s hand until it gradually calmed down. This middle-aged judge looked once around the place before saying in a clear voice, “All students, after yesterday’s initial elimination and selection, there are one hundred and seventy four of the originally three hundred participants remaining today. From this number, the fifty names, which have the qualification to enter the Inner Academy, should be born today.”

“Alright, it is time for the Qualifying Competition. We shall begin. Any competitor whose name has been called, please get in the arena as soon as possible. Once the stipulated time is over, we will handle it as you giving up.” The middle-aged judge was not long-winded. After introducing the rules of the competition, he slowly withdrew to the judge’s seats on the open ground. At this time, two names were emitted from the judges’ seats.

“Xuan Class - Third Class, Luo Fu!”

“Xuan Class - Fifth Class, Ge Li!”

When they heard the names being read, the two of them, who were already prepared, immediately flashed and leaped down from the viewing gallery. They steadily landed almost instantly in the arena and looked at one another. Sparks shot out from their eyes. Dou Qi of different elements came surging out from their...

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