Chapter 334: Three Year Agreement (Teaser)

Chapter 334: Three Year Agreement

The dull and simple words slowly drifted across the huge square. They caused the calm atmosphere which had been present throughout the entire ground to be in slight unrest and disorder.

In the open ground, countless Misty Cloud Sect disciples carried all sorts of different emotions in their gazes as they stared at the black-robed young man near the edge of the rock stairs. They were not unfamiliar with this young man who was called Xiao Yan. The relationship between Nalan Yanran and him had already become a topic in everyday conversation of many Misty Cloud Sect disciples. Of course, each time his name was mentioned, most people would refer to it mockingly with disdain. A child of a small clan wanted to marry Nalan Yanran whose status within the Misty Cloud Sect was as noble as a princess. In these people's eyes, it undoubtedly appeared that Xiao Yan had overestimated his ability. This was especially so after the Three Year Agreement was spread within the sect. This ridicule became even stronger. Naturally, one of the reasons for ridicule did not exclude them being jealous.

As the junior sect leader of the Misty Cloud Sect which was beyond the reach of many, countless of Misty Cloud Sect disciples viewed...

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