Chapter 308 : The Overly Simple Second Round (Teaser)

Chapter 308 : The Overly Simple Second Round

Although many people felt strange that the bamboo hat of the gray robe young man had suddenly disappeared, none of them suspected Hai Bo Dong. At this moment, most of the audience’s eyes were basically glued to the tender face of the gray robe young man. It was likely that this young man’s age was the youngest in all of the seasons of the Alchemist Grand Meeting,

The gray robe young man patted off the remnant ice fragment on his shoulders. He then lifted his head to look at Hai Bo Dong and the others on the VIP seats, revealing a cold smile. His lips moved slightly. By relying on the shape of this mouth, Fa Ma and the others could clearly identify what he had said, “I want the champion spot for this Grand Meeting!”

“How is it? Can you see if he is disguising his appearance?” Fa Ma’s finger gently tapped on the guardrail as he asked faintly.

Hai Bo Dong and Jia Lao exchanged glances and immediately shook his head slightly. In a deep voice, he said, “I can’t see that he has disguised his appearance…”

“What you are telling me… is that this person is really only so young? If this is really so, then I think that he has completely explained what is called a true genius. Compared...

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