Chapter 256: Vicious Means (Teaser)

Chapter 256: Vicious Means

In the quiet hall, everyone were staring blankly at Mo Cheng whose neck was easily grabbed by the black robed person. Everyone involuntarily swallowed their saliva at that moment. Just ten minutes ago, the latter was planning the outline of a great plan to dominate the north-eastern region of the Jia Ma Empire. However, ten minutes later, even his life was easily kneaded in someone else’s palm. The way everything had changed so quickly caused everyone in the hall to have an extreme disbelief of the turn of events.

However, regardless of how unrealistic the feeling was, the truth that appeared in their eyes told everyone in quite a brutal manner that this Mo clan First Elder, Executioner Mo, who had quite a strong reputation in the north-eastern region, was a toy in someone else’s hand this time around.

Hearing the thick chilling words emitted from under the black robe, everyone in the hall suddenly felt an inexplicable delight in their hearts. Regardless of what happened, if the Mo clan was to really lose Mo Cheng, this central pillar, then these small scale strengths would be able to take the opportunity to extricate themselves from the Mo clan’s control in the future. Although the Mo clan had quite a number of allies in the hall, but there was still not one person who came out to provide assistance.

“Sir, please have mercy!” Just as the black...

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