Chapter 194: The Mysterious Creature In The Magma (Teaser)

Chapter 194: The Mysterious Creature In The Magma

Fiery red magma was slowly flowing within the enormous crypt. Occasionally, there would be huge bubbles of air floating out from within it. A moment later, there would be a soft ‘bang’ as the bubbles burst apart. The hot magma would shoot out from within, appearing as beautiful as a fiery, red firework.

Standing at the end of the small tunnel, Xiao Yan, Xiao Ding, and Qing Lan stared at the never ending magma world. Other than being shocked, they all involuntarily swallowed their saliva.

“I didn’t expect… that hidden under Rock Desert City, there would be such a terrifying place.” With a layer of dark green colored light on his body, Xiao Ding wiped the perspiration from his face and sighed with shock.

“Yes, what a majestic underground magma world…” Xiao Yan’s body was similarly covered by a layer of a Dou Qi cloak. Despite this, the surrounding temperature also caused his entire body to feel hot.

“Where do we go now? There isn’t any path left. Moreover, I trained using a wood type Qi Method, which is subdued by the fire type energy. If I did not possess the strength of a five star Dou Shi, I think that I wouldn’t...

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