Chapter 176: The Mysterious Map Fragment? (Teaser)

Chapter 176: The Mysterious Map Fragment?

Upon reaching a place around a few hundred meters from the city, Xiao Yan's flying speed gradually decreased. His body trembled slightly and the Purple Cloud Wings on his back released waves of pale purple colored light before gradually shrinking. After which, they transformed into a tattoo and stuck to Xiao Yan’s back.

Xiao Yan rolled his body in midair before his feet steadily landed on the ground. After gently patting off some of the dust from his clothes, he lifted his head and looked at the huge yellow colored city that was in the distance. He let out a relieved sigh as he smiled.

Perhaps because the place was located close to the desert, but the air was extremely dry and hot. Blazing sunlight shined down from the sky and grilled the vast ground, causing it to emit hot air that cooked people. That wave of hot air slowly rose, causing some distortions in the surrounding areas.

According to common sense, this could not be considered to be a good environment and there should not be people who could have a carefree feeling in this environment. However, Xiao Yan was a little stunned to discover that ever since his feet stepped...

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