♔ SOTR Chapter 85!
Oh... my... is this a surprise double release?
Edited by: Kidyeon
I suddenly felt like releasing twice today! I mean, I heard your comments that that was particular unhappy cliff to end at. :D That and the stockpile is in reasonably healthy shape. *flips hair* That and I was really feeling happy today, because I just looked back on SOTR's first month on WW and we... have had more than 4 million views! Thank you all so much for loving the series!
This release is brought to us by David P. of Australia's generous donation! For those of you just reading 84 now, surprise and congratulations for not having to deal with a cliff! Please join me in thanking David P.!
I... had a three. hour. long. lunch. today with family. Asian families sure can eat! Needless to say, I skipped dinner tonight. :D
<3 etvo