ISSTH Chapter 350 ☯
It's that time again... ISSTH outtakes. There are some doozies this time, and even a few that went live! There is also one that I hope the profanity filter doesn't pick up on....
P.S. NO SPOILERS. I've seen some comments that seem very insightful but are clearly based on information gained from reading spoilers. Don't do that please!
Chapter 350: Assault on Dongluo City Translator: Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers, anonpuffs Proofreaders: Lingson Memes: MemeBoo Meme Archives: Yascob
This is the first guaranteed chapter of the week!... . . .
For anyone who hasn't checked out the outtakes before, these are real typos made in the translation.
Patriarch Rubicund was zooming along, his face pale > Patriarch Rubicund was zooming along, his pace fale
Meng Hao gaped in shock > Meng Hao aged in shock
The golden Qi transformed into a starscape > The golden Qi transformed into a stars cape
If the soul embodiment dissipated, then he truly would turn into dust on the wind. > If the soul embodiment dissipated, then he truly would turn into dust on the mind.
Moments later, he and Meng Hao became prismatic beams of light that shot back toward the region of the Dongluo City. > Moments later, he and Meng Hao became prismatic beams of light that shat back toward the region of the Dongluo City.
the parrot flapped its wings and quickly flew off, leaving Meng Hao alone in the secluded meditation chamber > the parrot flapped its wings and quickly flew off, leaving Meng Hao alone in the secluded medication chamber
The feeling was hard to describe. His coldness had turned into misery, cursing and insanity > The feeling was hard to describe. His coldness had turned into misery, cursing and inanity
Looking at the fog from outside, it was like a roiling sea within the basin. > Looking at the frog from outside, it was like a roiling sea within the basin.
Everything that was happening caused the observing Rogue Cultivators to shake in their boots > Everything that was appending caused the observing Rogue Cultivators to shake in their boots
At the same time, Meng Hao pulled out another medicinal pill > At the same time, Meng Hao pulled out a mother medicinal pill
He wasn’t fleeing; no, his right hand flickered an incantation. > He wasn’t feeling; no, his right hand flickered an incantation.