ISSTH Chapter 319 ☯
So tired from work but have to share. Walking home, I was lost in thought and almost got hit by an electric bike; it stopped about two inches from me. A few minutes later, I didn't notice an area roped off for bike parking, and got my foot tangled in the rope and almost fell. After that, I didn't see a random thing sticking out of the pavement and tripped over it. Thankfully I made it home safely. Yeah... tired.......
Chapter 319: A Booming Voice from the Rubble Translator: Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers, anonpuffs - Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob - Memes: MemeBoo - Meme Archives: joeljbright Sponsors: Fabian Betancourt Correa, Dennis Liu, Dylan Evans, Eero Mattila, Ty Campbell, and Bryan Nichols
Many thanks to the Fellow Daoists for bringing the fifth sponsored chapter of the week!....