☯ ISSTH Chapter 950 ☯

I used to say to MDB: "The only thing that will attract more attention in China than a foreigner walking down the street, is a foreigner walking with a pretty Chinese girl. The only thing that will attract more attention than a foreigner and a pretty Chinese girl is if they're also carrying a baby." Well, now I have to add to that statement. The only thing which will attract more attention in China than a foreigner, a pretty Chinese girl, and a baby... is if that foreigner is joined by his aging parents. Wow. I have some stories to tell about the visit of BDB's grandparents. For now, enjoy:

Chapter 950. Translator: Deathblade. Translation Checker: anonpuffs. Chinese Grammar Consultant: Madam Deathblade. Proofreaders: Courtrecords, GNE, and Lingson. Memes: Shu. Meme Archives: JerryDaBaws. Master of Cuteness: Baby Deathblade.

This is the 8th chapter of the week.
