☯ ISSTH Chapter 604 ☯
At long last I have enough typos saved up for another edition of ISSTH outtakes. See them after the jump! A couple are from this chapter, though, so if you don't want any spoilers, read the outtakes after you read the chapter....
Chapter 604 Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, anonpuffs Proofreaders: TheNo1Fan, Courtrecords, Lingson Meme Archives: joeljbright Memes: leoloo Sponsor: Boris Picot
This release marks 5/7 guaranteed chapters and 6 sponsored chapters, for a total of 11 chapters so far!
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These are all real typos from the first draft of the translation.
He looked down toward Patriarch Huyan > He looked down toward toward toward Patriarch Huyan (triple take!)
Surrounding by bustling crowds, you look at me, I look at you, and we smile at each other. > Surrounding by bustling crows, you look at me, I look at you, and we smile at each other. (makes me think of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds")
Everything was handled by Ke Yunhai. He was cool and unhuried, waving his hand to destroy worlds. > Everything was handled by Ke Yunhai. He was cool and unburied, waving his hand to destroy worlds. (Undead Ke Yunhai ???)
The area was safe, and Zhixiang was in the midst of transmogrification > The area was safe, and Zhixiang was in the kids of transmogrification (not sure what to make of this)
Meng Hao silently made a grasping motion with his right hand, causing the wooden sword to fly out to hover in front of him. > Meng Hao silently made a grasping motion with his right hand, causing the broken sword to fly out to hover in front of him. (broken swords are cool too!)
Patriarch Huyan’s Area seemed to cause everything in the area to be confined as if with shackles. > Patriarch Huyan’s Area seemed to cause everything in the area to be confined as if with shacks. (Love Shack, baby, Love Shack - Love, baby, that's where it's at)