☯ ISSTH Chapter 598 ☯

Last time I went to Beijing I went to a bookstore and found a copy of the Mountain and Sea Scripture. Check out the pictures after the jump.

Chapter 598 Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, anonpuffs Proofreaders: TheNo1Fan, Yascob, Lingson, Courtrecords Meme Archives: joeljbright Memes: leoloo

This release marks 2/7 guaranteed chapters and 3 sponsored chapters, for a total of 5 chapters so far!...

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Don't forget that the "Mountain and Sea Scripture" is actually a real book describing the supposed geography and life forms of ancient China. This is an illustrated version, and I can tell you.... wow, there are tons of super bizarre creatures inside. However, one happened catch my eye, which was a Flying Rain-Dragon!

Anyway, here's my copy of the most powerful scripture in the Nine Mountains and Seas!



